Migración, autonomía y mercado en la novela venezolana de hoy
When and Where
We are pleased to welcome Miguel Gomes as the second presenter in ¡Pa' Fuera!, a series on the cultural productions of the Venezuelan diaspora of the 21st. Century.
Please note: This presentation will be in Spanish. We regret not being able to offer simultaneous interpretation.
Sobre la presentación
Esta conferencia abordará novelas aparecidas en el exterior y el interior del territorio venezolano con el propósito de ilustrar cómo en todas ellas opera la lógica de un mismo campo cultural nacional que aún se resiste a la fragmentación debida a la emigración. Uno de los elementos de esa unidad que no se ha perdido es el ideal de la autonomía, pese a que cierta crítica vea en la nuestra una época posautonómica por excelencia.
About the Presenter
Dr. Gomes has been publishing about Venezuelan literary productions since the beginning of his academic career in the late 1980s. He has had an extensively distinguished career not just in the field of Venezuelan Studies, but his thought has influenced the fields of Latin American Studies and literary criticism. Dr. Gomes’s corpus explores the literary productions produced by / for / and around the Venezuelan diaspora. By focusing on the literary representations attached to the diaspora, his work convincingly highlights the complex transnational processes that these diasporic subjects find themselves in.
Among his latest academic-based publications is El desengaño de la modernidad: cultura y literatura en los albores del siglo XXI (2017), a showcase of the ways Venezuelan literature has criticized the “developing optimism” found in State-based discourse through the 1960s, 70s and then transposed to contemporary examples of the same phenomenon. One of his latest pieces of creative writing Ante el jurado (2022) is a collection of eight short stories centered around the effects that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting had on the eight protagonists. Despite the dark underlining event permeating the eight plots, one of the main topics engaged by the book is the finding of hope through inner dialogue.
Related Events:
Translucency: Memory, Materiality and Loss in the Venezuelan Diaspora, by Irina Troconis on Wednesday, February 28, 2024.
Reading, by Daniel Centeno on Wednesday, March 20, 2024.