The Teaching of Pronunciation in the Classroom with Heritage Speakers
When and Where
The Department of Spanish & Portuguese cordially invites you to a presentation by professor Mar Galindo, visiting from the University of Alicante.
About the Presentation
This presentation focuses on how Spanish pronunciation is taught in the classroom with heritage speakers: how linguistic varieties are addressed in terms of pronunciation, the role of heritage speakers in mixed classrooms (with non-heritage students), and the strategies that ELE teachers can develop to teach pronunciation in these contexts.
About the Presenter
Mar Galindo holds a degree in Hispanic Philology and a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Alicante, in addition to a Master's in Gender Studies and Citizenship from UJI. Her doctoral research, partly conducted at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, was awarded the ASELE Prize for Best Spanish Teaching Thesis in 2011. Alongside María Méndez Santos, she has coordinated projects such as ATLAS del ELE: Geolingüística de la enseñanza de español en el mundo (2017, 2022) and La lingüística del amor (2022). She has led projects related to Spanish and sports, as well as language learning in study abroad programs from a gender perspective in collaboration with CIEE, which led her to be a Visiting Research Scholar at Barnard College, Columbia University, in 2018. She has also visited Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris 3 in France and the University of Cambridge in the UK. Currently, she collaborates with Aarón Pérez on the R&D project PRONUNTIA (2021 – 2023), focusing on teacher training in pronunciation teaching, affiliated with the University of Alicante and Edinumen publishers. In the academic year 2022 – 2023, she conducted a research project in Barnard College, New York, funded by the European Commission and the NextGenerationEU program. She is a member of the research group ACQUA (Second Language Acquisition) and the Investigación en género Group at the Institute for Research in Gender Studies at the University of Alicante.